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From the Acting Director: An Event for Everyone

Content Image Inline The next few months include several major events on the Australian Synchrotron calendar, starting with our Open Day on Sunday 15 August, which we are proudly hosting as part of National Science Week. Our annual general meeting on 29 October is next, followed by the User Meeting from 22 to 24 November.

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Up to Speed

Content Image Inline This month our short interview features Christine Latif, head of external relations at the Australian Synchrotron.

I look after relationships with external stakeholders – everything from organising user events and education programs to writing annual reports and communications with government.

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Open Day is almost here!

Content Image Inline The Australian Synchrotron Open Day on Sunday 15 August 2010 is your chance to encounter one of Australia’s most exciting scientific facilities and see how synchrotron science can make life better for everyone. Come and see us for yourself… or volunteer to help behind the scenes!

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Something Old, Something New

Content Image Inline Have you heard the one about the archaeologist, the physicist and the mineralogist? It’s not just the beginning of a good joke, it’s a team using the Australian Synchrotron to help reveal the methods used to make ceramics and jewellery in ancient Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten.

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Switching Channels

Content Image Inline Australian researchers have made a significant discovery about the biological mechanisms controlling the electrical currents that underpin sensory perception and nervous system function in humans.


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Beamtime Applications

Beamtime submissions open on 7 September 2010 for round 2011/1 (January-May 2011).

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Synchrotrons in the News

Secrets of the Mona Lisa
Butterfly wings
Amber lights up at ESRF
Water-splitting photocatalyst
Platinum standard
National science colloquium

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Imaging and Medical Beamline Update

Content Image Inline Expert users are already taking full advantage of the imaging and medical beamline’s current capabilities, and work is well underway to extend our imaging and medical beamline facilities.

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Accelerator Science Collaboration

Content Image Inline Australia could soon benefit from highly sensitive coloured x-ray imaging and powerful new tools to reveal the structure of materials in unprecedented detail and provide major advances in medicine and technology.

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User Advisory Committee Update

The synchrotron’s User Advisory Committee (UAC) has issued a ‘user update’ about issues discussed at their May 2010 meeting, which was attended by user representatives from WA, Queensland, NSW, SA, Victoria and New Zealand.

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National Characterisation Roadshow

Researchers in Melbourne and Hobart recently took advantage of an opportunity to learn more about some of the exciting facilities and techniques available to all Australian researchers.

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Winter School and ANZAAS Awards

In July 2010, 33 of Australia’s and New Zealand’s brightest tertiary science students gathered at the Australian Synchrotron for the facility’s second winter school.

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Tonga Time

Content Image Inline The South Pacific island kingdom of Tonga is renowned for its beautiful beaches, but accelerator operator Viliami Takau has another reason for visiting the island: he lectures students in fundamental physics.

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Australian Synchrotron Post-graduate Awards

Students from University of NSW, La Trobe and Charles Sturt universities have received Australian Synchrotron Postgraduate Awards.

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Synchrotron User Meeting

We are pleased to announce the 2010 Australian Synchrotron User Meeting will be held from 22 to 24 November. The meeting will be hosted at Rydges Carlton in Melbourne. The User Meeting will showcase the science undertaken at the Australian Synchrotron, provide information about our facilities and help develop our user community. We hope to see you all there!
More information can be found on the User Meeting website :


Synchrotron Scientists Set the Pace

Content Image Inline A dedicated bunch of synchrotron people competed in the ‘Run Melbourne’ fun run in July 2010. The synchrotron’s next running team event is being organised for the Melbourne Marathon Festival, which this year will celebrate the 2500th anniversary of the original Marathon run in ancient Greece.
Photo: Susana Barnes

Lightspeed Events Diary

Synchrotron-related events in Australia and overseas.

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Space for Your Event

To submit your synchrotron-related event for listing in Lightspeed and on the Australian Synchrotron website, click here.

Reader Feedback

Lightspeed welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please send these to: info@synchrotron.org.au with 'Lightspeed comments' in the subject line.

Use of Lightspeed Material

Material from Lightspeed may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes provided the source is acknowledged, e.g. ‘This material first appeared in the Australian Synchrotron’s Lightspeed newsletter, August 2010’.

Careers at the Australian Synchrotron

The Australian Synchrotron offers a unique working environment for a wide range of specialists. For information on job postings, go to:

Staff List
