
From the Acting Director: Users play vital role

Content Image Inline Outstanding research by Australian Synchrotron users contributes to the facility’s ongoing success. Our user community and scientific staff produce vital research results with potential to transform medical, industrial and other products and processes. All our staff support users in various ways.

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Up to Speed

Content Image Inline This month our short interview features Richard Farnsworth, head of information technology and computing at the Australian Synchrotron. The synchrotron’s longest-serving employee, Richard will leave the Australian Synchrotron in October 2010. He will be missed!

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Open Day Report

Content Image Inline The Australian Synchrotron open day on Sunday 15 August 2010 attracted more than 3000 visitors of all ages. Among the more unusual guests were a large and very friendly robot named Tubby, a ‘mad scientist’ who assured us that he could fix our flux capacitor, and a couple of Star Wars-style storm-troopers!

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Beamtime Applications

Beamtime submissions for round 2011/1 (January-May 2011) closed on 6 October.

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Synchrotron reveals details of artist's cover-up

Content Image Inline The details of a hidden self-portrait by celebrated Australian painter Arthur Streeton have been revealed in a new collaboration between art and science. The joint investigation will encourage further use of synchrotron techniques for studying artists’ materials and methods, assisting art restorers, and providing new evidence in cases where the identity of an artist is unclear.

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Mismatches work for organ transplants

Content Image Inline The winner of the 2010 Victorian Premier’s Award for Health and Medical Research is an Australian Synchrotron user whose work is helping to provide new insights into organ transplant rejection.


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The sun and its wind

Content Image Inline Australian researchers are helping NASA to obtain new information on the evolution of our solar system, with the help of a specialised experimental setup at the Australian Synchrotron.

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New tools for preserving the past

Content Image Inline Synchrotron techniques are assisting the preservation of historical documents, works of art, buildings and other physical objects that embody much of what we know about our own past and that of ancient civilisations.

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Synchrotron technique goes high-definition 3D

Content Image Inline Accurate information about the distribution of elements such as calcium, iron, manganese and zinc could help resolve key medical, biological and environmental questions such as how much atmospheric carbon dioxide could potentially be stored in deep waters.

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Synchrotrons in the News

Praise for crystallography team
Under extreme pressure
Black holes in outer space
AIDS drug could also combat herpes virus
Close to the bone
Measuring the risk
Towards lead-free electronics

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Thesis medal dates extended

The eligibility dates for the Australian Synchrotron Thesis Medal 2010 have been extended to cover the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2010 (instead of 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010). The new deadline for applications is Monday 18 October 2010.

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Victoria Fellowship for Synchrotron user

Australian Synchrotron user Matthew Hill, from CSIRO’s Materials Science and Engineering division, is one of six early-career researchers to receive a Victoria Fellowship 2010.

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Engineers measure ring shrinkage

Content Image Inline It’s official, the Australian Synchrotron storage ring has shrunk by 0.6 millimetres in diameter over the last two years. Does that matter? Read on...

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Synchrotron staff volunteer day

Hardy synchrotron employees braved the August mud and cold to participate in 'Target 25000', a project to revegetate bushfire-affected areas. In addition to planting 500 trees at the Chum Creek Wildlife Reserve, staff erected a kangaroo shelter, restored fences, built paths, cleaned animal shelters and had a lot of fun in the process. The synchrotron encourages staff to devote one day's paid work-time to volunteer activities each year.

For further information:
Wildlife Connections

Events Diary

Synchrotron-related events in Australia and overseas.

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Australia to host XRM 2014

The Australian Synchrotron, CSIRO, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coherent X-ray Scattering and La Trobe University have won their collective bid to host the 12th international conference on x-ray microscopy: XRM 2014.

The 10th XRM conference was held in Chicago in August 2010. The 11th XRM conference will be held in Shanghai in 2012.

Space for Your Event

To submit your synchrotron-related event for listing in Lightspeed and on the Australian Synchrotron website, click here.

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Material from Lightspeed may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes provided the source is acknowledged, e.g. 'This material first appeared in the Australian Synchrotron's Lightspeed newsletter, October 2010'.

Careers at the Australian Synchrotron

The Australian Synchrotron offers a unique working environment for a wide range of specialists. For information on job postings, go to:

Staff List