
From the Acting Director: Under New Management

Content Image Inline I am pleased to announce that the Australian Synchrotron has appointed a new Director, Professor Keith Nugent from the University of Melbourne. I have stepped down as Acting Director to take on the newly created position of Chief Operating Officer of ASCo and Chief Executive Officer of ASHCo.

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Up to Speed

Content Image Inline This month our short interview features Samantha Chan, the Australian Synchrotron’s receptionist.

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Researchers go with the grain

Content Image Inline Rice, barley and other cereal grains are important energy sources for many millions of people around the world, but they are low in iron and other important micronutrients. Australian researchers are using synchrotron techniques to find ways to boost micronutrient levels in these staple food grains.

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Magnetic attraction

Content Image Inline A subject of fascination for thousands of years, magnets are an essential part of modern electronic devices such as computers, microphones, electric motors and cars. Australian researchers are using synchrotron techniques to understand the formation mechanism of the key magnetic phase in a new generation of magnets with improved cost effectiveness.

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Beamtime Applications

Applications for round 2011/2 (June-September 2011) closed on 9 March 2011. Applicants will be notified from early May 2011. Beamtime submissions for round 2011/3 (September-December 2011) will open on 25 May 2011.

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Synchrotrons in the News

How snakes lost their legs
Step towards early detection of Alzheimer's
Fade to brown
Metal work ahead
Protein residues found in ancient reptile skin
Researchers mind the gap
Keith Nugent appointed director
Head of Science speaks out

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AS physicists achieve new low

Content Image Inline The accelerator physics team at the Australian Synchrotron has set a new world record. In lay terms, the electron beam that generates synchrotron light for user experiments at the AS is now the world’s ‘flattest’. In other words, for those of you who prefer precise technical explanations, our electron beam has the world’s lowest vertical emittance.

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Photo Competition

The Australian Synchrotron is holding a photo competition for staff, users and visitors. The rules are simple: your photographs must have been taken at the Australian Synchrotron, and professional photographers are not eligible to enter the competition.

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Watch these spaces

Content Image Inline The new building facilities at the Australian Synchrotron are rapidly taking shape. Work has begun on the next level of the National Centre for Synchrotron Science, cement has been poured for the technical support laboratories building and the lift well is in place, concrete pillars and raised floor have been positioned for the office extension ‘pod’ building, and the extended low-voltage switchroom is almost complete.

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Imaging and medical update

Content Image Inline Construction work on the Imaging and Medical Beamline (IMBL) is continuing well. The near-beam surgery and preparation area inside the main building has been built and further work is on track to deliver the beam into the satellite building in the last quarter of 2011. The IMBL team has established a discussion forum to keep users up to date with construction and commissioning activities.


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Events Diary

Synchrotron-related events in Australia and overseas.

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Careers at the Australian Synchrotron

The Australian Synchrotron offers a unique working environment for a wide range of specialists. For information on job postings, go to:

Staff List