
From the Director – Making an impression

Content Image Inline Australian Synchrotron users and staff are compiling an impressive list of achievements and awards, including a prestigious international award for a new x-ray detector.


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Up to Speed

Content Image Inline This month our short interview features Michael Tonroe, the Australian Synchrotron's chief financial officer and company secretary.


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New x-ray system to turn superheroes green

Content Image Inline It's enough to make your average superhero hand back their lycras! A powerful new x-ray vision and detection system is producing 3D pictures of nanoscale details much faster and with one thousand times more detail than was previously possible.

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Taking the lead out of solder alloys

Content Image InlineDemand for lead-free solder alloys is increasing as a result of legislation designed to protect manufacturing workers, consumers and the environment from the well-documented hazards of lead.

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Faster computers for work and play

Content Image InlineConsumer demand for faster and faster computer processing means using smaller and smaller electronic devices to power our computers. A key challenge is to maintain the activity of the 'dopant' atoms that modify the electrical properties of the ultra-pure crystalline silicon used to fabricate these devices.

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Photo Competition Winners

Content Image InlineThank you to everyone who entered the June-July 2011 photo competition. The winning photos are displayed on the website.

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Innovation ideas for industry

Content Image Inline At a recent industry event in southeast Melbourne, business operators from small and medium-sized enterprises discussed innovation, resources and other hot topics with industry leaders, researchers and government representatives.

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Thesis Medal 2011

Applications are now open for the Australian Synchrotron Thesis Medal 2011. The purpose of the award is to acknowledge the most outstanding PhD of the past two years involving the use of synchrotron radiation techniques at the Australian Synchrotron or an associated facility or access program.

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Beamtime applications open soon

Beamtime submissions for round 2012/1 (January-May 2012) open on 31 August 2011.

Users who applied for beamtime in round 2011/3 (September-December 2011) will be notified from mid-August.

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Synchrotrons in the News

Drug 'dance' revealed
Next-generation memory and sensing devices
What electrons do in high-temperature superconductors
Do we have a new ancestor?

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Watch these spaces

Content Image Inline Construction works are progressing well, and the synchrotron's Major Projects and Technical Services team is still smiling despite the flood of correspondence associated with the work so far.

The office extension pod and the technical support laboratories building will soon be ready for staff to move in, and a 'prototype room' is being set up to show what users can look forward to in their new accommodation block.

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Accelerator scientist inspired by video games

Content Image Inline The uncanny ability of state-of-the-art video games to mimic human behaviour has inspired the development of a new tool to boost the quality of the electron beams used in high-tech research experiments in Australia and Italy.


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Relief for PD users

Content Image Inline Gone are the days of manually aligning powder diffraction capillary samples using goniometer heads!

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Spreading the word to new users

Content Image InlineMore than 200 researchers and students from Australia and New Zealand recently took advantage of a great opportunity to learn more about using synchrotron and neutron techniques to help achieve their research goals.

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Events Diary

Synchrotron-related events in Australia and overseas.

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Space for Your Event

To submit your synchrotron-related event for listing in Lightspeed and on the Australian Synchrotron website, click here.

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Material from Lightspeed may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes provided the source is acknowledged, e.g. 'This material first appeared in the Australian Synchrotron's Lightspeed newsletter, August 2011'.

Careers at the Australian Synchrotron

The Australian Synchrotron offers a unique working environment for a wide range of specialists. For information on job postings, go to:

Staff List