A great place to work

As one of the nation’s premier science facilities the Australian Synchrotron provides a vibrant focal point for researchers from Australia, NZ and further afield. Employing more than 100 scientists in diverse areas of synchrotron science, the facility provides researchers with access to a powerful suite of scientific tools. These tools are used to shed light on an expanding range of fundamental, applied and industrial research questions in fields such as material science, molecular biology and medical imaging and therapy.

The Australian Synchrotron offers diverse career opportunities for talented individuals who are committed and passionate about their careers. We are an equal opportunity employer. At the Australian Synchrotron, we believe that diversity within our workforce is something to be supported and celebrated. With almost half of our current workforce born outside of Australia, we believe that every employee brings with them a rich and diverse set of views and talents which is invaluable to the organisation.