A user cabin is being constructed for the convenience of users and staff on the x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) beamline at the Australian Synchrotron.

XAScabin2799_6Oct11nm_rotweb.jpg  XAScabin2809_6Oct11nm_crop2web.jpg

XAScabin2802_6Oct11nm_cropweb.jpg  XAScabin2806_6Oct11nm_cropweb.jpg

The four photos above show construction progress as at 6 October 2011.

The four photos below show construction progress as at 12 September 2011.

XAScabin2605_12Sept11nm_web.jpg  XAScabin2611_12Sept11nm_web.jpg

XAScabin2625_12Sept11nm_web.jpg  XAScabin2637_12Sept11nm.cropweb.jpg