The proposed TXM-IR Correlative beamline is a novel combined X-ray, Infrared and confocal fluorescence microscopy beamline aimed at correlative measurements simultaneously on the same sample. The TXM-IR is feasible to build commercially within 3 years, utilizes a bending magnet, and is ideally suited to third generation synchrotrons. The ability to correlate high spatial resolution tomography (~20 nm) with confocal fluorescence microscopy (CFM) and IR imaging provides a powerful tool ideally suited to a diverse range of user communities: bio-medical, forensic, material science, nanofabrication and others. This unique beamline provides Australian researchers a versatile imaging microscope system needed for leading-edge research.


Source: W. Meyer-Ilse, D. Mamamoto, A. Nair, S, A. Lielievre, G. Denbeaux, L. Johnson, A. L. Pearson, D. Yager, M. A. LeGros and C.A. Larabell. Journal of Microscopy (2001) 201, 395-403.

pdf document Download Full Draft Project Proposal Here (pdf, 478kb)


Contact Marian Cholewa
Phone: +61 (3) 9905 9480

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