Research Highlights 2010 – 2012 is a celebration of the excellent science conducted through access to the Australian Synchrotron, by Australia and New Zealand’s top universities, world-leading medical research institutions and multiple industrial partners.

This second edition of the Research Highlights publication also recognises and congratulates the efforts of Australian Synchrotron scientists and other staff, who work tirelessly alongside visiting researchers to support the life changing discoveries being made night and day at this world class facility.

Within the publication, there are almost 40 case studies demonstrating outcomes across the sciences: medical and life, advanced materials and engineering, earth and environmental, cultural heritage and facility development.

This breathtaking collection of discoveries is drawn from a much greater body of work being produced by more than 20,000 researcher visits to the Australian Synchrotron from across Australia, and the world, and includes:

  • proteins that punch holes in cancer cells
  • new developments in HIV/AIDS treatments
  • advances in radiation therapy for cancerous tumours
  • enrichment validation of grains and vegetables
  • strengthening of sheep leather for new markets
  • improvements in new energy alternatives and batteries
  • a low emission concrete
  • better understanding of the explosive nature of volcanoes,
  • science inspired by artificial intelligence
  • and even some new information from Mars and Jupiter!

We encourage our users to continue to share their stories with the Australian Synchrotron, to help demonstrate the value the Australian Synchrotron brings, not only to our researcher community, but to the wellbeing and economic strength of Australia and New Zealand.

Research Highlights 2010 – 2012, Australian Synchrotron [PDF download 6.94 Mb]


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