Students 2014

Mr Kent Wootton, PhD candidate, University of Melbourne
Mt Thomas Lucas, MSc candidate, University of Melbourne
Ms Stefanie Elbracht, PhD candidate, University of Melbourne
Ms Tessa Charles, PhD candidate, Monash University

Past Students

Dr David Peake, PhD candidate, University of Melbourne (2007-2011)
Mr Harris Panopoulos, MSc, University of Melbourne (2009-2010)
Mr Andrew Cole, MSc, University of Melbourne (2009-2010)
Dr Evelyne Meier, PhD, Monash University (2007-2010)
Ms Anja Schubert, PhD candidate, University of Melbourne
Ms Vivien Lee, PhD candidate, University of Melbourne
Ms Sophie Dawson, MSc, University of Melbourne (2011-2012)
Mr Paul Bennetto, undergraduate, RMIT (2010-2012)

ACAS Launch - Students with Kim Carr
L-R: Paul Bennetto, Kent Wootton, Harris Panopolous, Bryn Sobott, Stefanie Elbracht,
Senator the Hon Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research,
Viven Lee, Tessa Charles, Andrew Cole and David Peake.

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