Phasing Macromolecules with Xenon Heavy Atom Derivatives

From December 11, 2012 09:00 until December 12, 2012 05:00 Save to calendar

At Australian Synchrotron 800 Blackburn Road Clayton VIC

Posted by Super User

Categories: Events - Archive


We are pleased to announce the Australian Synchrotron workshop ‘Phasing Macromolecules with Xenon Heavy Atom Derivatives’.

Workshop dates

11 December – 12 December, 2012
This workshop will focus on Xenon derivatisation techniques, data collection, data processing, and structure solution from Xenon derivatives.

Purpose of the course and intended participants

The purpose of the school is to address structural solution problems using Xe phasing. This alternative method for preparation of heavy derivatives is specifically useful for relatively large protein molecules (>20 kDa). Preference will be given to participants with diffracting protein crystals which have thus far proved intractable with other phasing methods.

The course is intended mainly for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the area of structural biology. In some cases, Assistant-Professor-level applicants may be accepted.

The school is not meant as an introductory level course for protein crystallography. It is designed for applicants with sound understanding of and reasonable expertise in crystallography.

Workshop Aim

This workshop will cover the practical aspects of Xe derivatisation and some aspects of structure determination using the derivatised crystals.

The workshop will consist of lectures and tutorials complemented by hands on use of our Xe derivatisation apparatus and data collection at the beamlines.  This will be followed with data processing and structure solution using XDS/iMOSFLM and Auto-Rickshaw/Phenix/SHelX.  


Places for this workshop are strictly limited and will be in high demand.  Registrations will be assessed on merit basis.  If you would like to attend, please email your CV, a letter of support from your supervisor or professor and a paragraph outlining the motivation for attending the course to by 26 November 2012.  You will be advised if you have been accepted by Wednesday, 28 November.  If accepted, you will need to register by Friday, 30 November or your place will be allocated to the next eligible student.

The workshop registration fee is $100 including GST.  Lunch and morning and afternoon teas will be provided.  

Workshop Venue\"\"

Australian Synchrotron
800 Blackburn Road
Clayton 3168 Victoria

Thank you to our Workshop Partner:



Day 1

10:00am Introduction ~ Tom Caradoc-Davies
10:10am Xenon derivatisation and phasing ~ Santosh Panjikar
11:30am Data collection, processing and scaling ~ David Aragao
12:30pm Lunch
2:00pm Auto-Rickshaw ~ Santosh Panjikar
3:00pm Structure solution of a novel protein with Xenon ~ Viviane Richter
3:30pm Tutorials

Group 1: Hands on training - Xenon derivatisation ~ Santosh Panjikar
Group 2: Tutorials with Xenon derivative test data ~ Christine Gee / Alan Riboldi-Tunnicliffe

4:30pm Coffee
5:00pm Group 1: Tutorials with Xenon derivative test data ~ Christine Gee / Alan Riboldi-Tunnicliffe

Group 2: Hands on training - Xenon derivatisation ~ Santosh Panjikar

6:00pm Preparation of Xenon derivatives from delegates' data

Day 2

9:00am Tutorials
  Group 1: Data collection, processing and phasing of Xenon derivative crystals (Elastase crystals) on MX1 ~ Santosh Panjikar 
Group 2: Data collection, processing and phasing of Xenon derivative crystals (Elastase crystals) on MX2 ~ Christine Gee/Alan Riboldi-Tunnicliffe
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Tutorials
  Group 2: Data collection from applicant’s Xenon derivatised crystals on MX1 ~ Santosh Panjikar
Group 1: Data collection from applicant’s Xenon derivatised crystals on MX2 ~ Christine Gee/Alan Riboldi-Tunnicliffe
3:00pm Closing remarks ~ Tom Caradoc-Davies

Note: Each Group consists of six students.


Workshop Organisers:

Santosh Panjikar and Christine Gee


2012-12-11 09:00:00
2012-12-12 05:00:00